.::::FiNaL Is CoMinG, ThIs SeM iS LeAvInG::::.

pejam celik, pejam celik dh pn final...

byk lg yg aku x study ni...
tu la, sape suruh malas2 lg..

aku rs kejap jer ms berlalu..
skrang, aku dh nk masuk 3 year aka Delta la kalo kt mmu ni...
mcm2 aku dh lalui...
like this sem, wat "the cube" n sambil lepak2 ngan member dan mengenakn po po...
bkn senang nk wat bende "the cube" tu...
but Alhamdulillah, berkat usaha sume member2, berjaya gak siapkn bende tu...
n kepada po po...
sori la sbb ko jd bahan.....
tp x per, ko dh memeriahkn suasana semasa membuat "the cube"...

kay la, byk lg x study ni...
so, kena usaha lebey sikit...
"usaha tangga kejayaan'....
jgn asyik tido jer...

n remember "If someone is afraid to failed, he or she can't achieve success"
good luck to all my friends...
let us, raise for the sake of our family, country and not forget Islam...
Kambate neh...



~rukia_kuchiki said...

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare,
it is because we do not dare, so that they are difficult.”

p/s: gd luck for finals..!!

Unknown said...

abang sepul~

all da best 4 finals.
selamat ber"study". :D