
This Year I want to be a better person from before...
I want help from u guys to give a honest comment about myself.
whether a good, bad or even worst personality that I had.
So, I can try to change it..
Thanx u for ur cooperation.



~rukia_kuchiki said...

weh..biar benar nk soh komen psl ko kt cni?

ShOoT_mE said...

ko msg aku la...
hehehe.. :p

ShOoT_mE said...

x pn email ke.. huhuhu..

~rukia_kuchiki said...

poyo la... haha
itula, xkan aku nk expose aksi telampau ko kt blog plak kan? =p

ShOoT_mE said...

ni bile ko nk expose ni..
nk gak tau ape aksi terlampau aku..