Salam Maal Hijrah

ermm.. It feel like the time goes faster than a bullet train.
Without realizing, we have came to the end of the year.
However, In Islamic month, we have already in the new yeareve.
Throughout this year, we already overcome some sweet memories, some sad, some pain, some happiness.
All the event, will make us being a better person day by day.
If I have a power to stop the time, may be I will stop the time or slow the time so that I never leave this year.

But we need to faced the future that full of uncertainty.
All the memories that I get in this year, I hope is enough for to faced the future.
I got friends that always been beside me.
Thank you guys for sharing the happiness and the sadness together..
May Allah bless you all.

In this new year, I wish that:
Healthy throughout the year.
Hope to become a stronger person, in and out.
Hope that I will become a good child.
Always can overcome all the solution.
Hope I will become a reliable person.
Hope that I will never hurt anybody.
n hope that I can be somebody in someone heart.. ;)

p/s: Actually I want to put one picture with all of my friend in it, but all my picture in the external h/disk. May be next time I will update the new picture...



~rukia_kuchiki said...

salam maal hijrah, n hepi new year!!(kalender greek)

semoga kejayaan dan kebahagiaan menanti kita semua pd thn baru nih, insha-allah. thnx for being such a wonderful fren, i am really grateful to meet you guys =)

p/s : aku dh tuka blog skin.. sila beri pndangan eh, tulis kt shoutbox. tgh edit coding utk ruangan comment supaya org bleh komen, tp x siap lg..hehe
so, buat masa ni tulis kt shoutbox eh. thanx

ShOoT_mE said...

thanx for being such a good n wonderful friends.. :)